Mar 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Integrated Bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Special Education with Preliminary Mild/Moderate Credential

The Master of Arts in SPED (MA in Special Education) program’s mission is to develop change agents, professionals who will pursue social justice side-by-side with people with disabilities. Candidates should be prepared to believe in and be advocates for the absolute dignity of all people, including those with labels of disability.

In California, the appropriate credential to teach students with mild moderate support needs or extensive support needs is special education. The Master of Arts in Special Education program allows the candidate to obtain the Education Specialist credential (Mild Moderate) and the master’s degree through an integrated program of coursework, fieldwork, and student research.

Requirements for the Integrated Bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Special Education are the same as those listed in the MA in Special Education credential section of the catalog. The integrated master’s degree option is designed principally for students from across the university who are interested in pursuing a teaching credential and master’s degree in teaching. This option offers selected exceptional students a seat in Chapman University’s MA in Special Education program. Admission is selective. If accepted to the MA in Special Education program, students can take up to 15 graduate-level credits from the MA in Special Education Program during their senior year and may, depending on their individual bachelor’s program requirements, count those credits toward the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Admission is selective.

Prospective integrated MA Special Education with Preliminary Mild/Moderate candidates must apply to the program by the integrated application date. Successful candidates will be notified of acceptance on the same dates as the rest of the MA in Special Education cohort. Students in the integrated bachelor’s plus master’s programs will matriculate into the graduate program after the completion of their bachelor’s degree. Students may not begin Year 5 coursework without certified completion of the bachelor’s degree from Chapman University.

Advancement to the 5th year of study is dependent on:

  1. An academic screening of all MA in Special Education coursework and key assignment rubric scores.
  2. A dispositional screening.
  3. Successful passage of the CSET exams or equivalent demonstration of subject matter competency.
  4. Successful completion of the Certificate of Clearance requirement or possession of a California substitute credential.

Initial Undergraduate Admission to the Program

Initial undergraduate admission to the program is competitive and requires a:

  1. Minimum of 90 credits earned at Chapman University at the bachelor level prior to application to the program (senior standing).
  2. Minimum Chapman grade point average of 3.000.
  3. Passing score on the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) or equivalent.

Bachelor’s Degree conferral requirements

Student’s respective bachelor degree (B.A./B.F.A./B.S.) program requirements, valid California Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), and passing score on the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET) must be completed prior to the end of year four of the five-year program in order to enter year five credential/master’s coursework.

Graduate degree and credential requirements

In addition to the courses below, see the Teacher Education Programs  page for graduate admission requirements, California Commission on Teacher Education requirements for credentialing, graduate degree demonstration of mastery requirement, and graduate degree progression and completion requirements.