Mar 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

(Pre-Music Education Certification), B.M.

The Bachelor of Music (Pre-Music Education Certification) degree is intended for students preparing for a career in public school teaching as a music specialist. The degree emphasizes preparation for secondary education-middle and high-school level instrumental and vocal programs. It includes a core of music academic and performance classes shared by all programs in music, specific music education courses, and the general education preparation required of all undergraduates at the University. The B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification) is a four-year degree that does not include student teaching or earning a teaching credential.

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing stipulates that fully credentialed status can be achieved only after a teacher has earned thirty or so credits beyond a bachelor’s degree. Professional Education courses, required for teacher certification by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, are offered at the graduate level in the Attallah College of Educational Studies at Chapman University (ACES). The normal pattern followed by students pursuing a teaching credential is to first take subject-area preparation leading to a bachelor’s degree, such as the B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification) degree, and then take professional education courses at the graduate level. ACES Master of Arts in Teaching has a teaching credential embedded. Students may apply to the teacher education programs after fulfilling the requirements listed below. After completing the credential coursework on the graduate level, a student will earn a certification for the California State Single Subject Teaching Credential in Music, K-12.

Admission to the teacher education programs - all candidates

Admission to the program may be achieved by the completion of the following requirements:

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.
  2. Submit passing score on the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) or equivalent.
  3. Applicants must have a minimum admission grade point average of 3.000. Applicants with an admission grade point average between 2.750 and 2.990 may be considered for admission, and if admitted, will have a hold placed on their second term’s registration. Students must be in good academic standing to continue in the program. Students whose admission grade point average is below 2.750 will not be considered for admission for the Teacher Education master’s degree programs.
  4. Submit passing score on, or proof of registration for, the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) applicable to their credential area or equivalent.

General education requirements for the Bachelor of Music (Pre-Music Education Certification) 

Students may take any language to satisfy the GE language requirement, except Ancient Greek and ASL.

Additional degree information

Specific transfer requirements, proficiency requirements, applied music policies, minimum grade policy, retake course policy, are listed at General Information for all Music Programs. Requirements for lessons and studio classes are listed at Applied Music Courses.

The B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification) degree may be combined with the B.M. Composition degree and with the B.M. Performance degree Instrumental Emphasis (all areas), PCA emphasis, and Vocal Emphasis to satisfy the GE secondary area of study requirement. The B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification) degree cannot be combined with the General Music minor, but may be combined with the Film Music, Music Technology, and Music Business 

Students pursuing the B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification) are required to:

  • Demonstrate the following proficiency requirements:
    • Sight Singing Proficiency Requirement (for students who enter Chapman with voice as primary instrument only).
    • Piano Proficiency Requirement.
  • Take jury exams at the end of each semester of applied lessons.
  • Earn an overall GPA of 2.000 for all required major courses.
  • Complete all courses in the major for a letter grade. The only exceptions are studio classes, recitals and information literacy classes.
  • Pass courses with a minimum grade of “C” in all required courses for the B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification).
  • Complete a minimum of 35 credits from upper-division courses in the major.
  • Complete the senior capstone requirements for 4 credits over 2 semesters. 

Program Learning Outcomes for B.M. (Pre-Music Education Certification).

six credits of large ensemble (6 credits)

as assigned by director of performance area for primary instrument, taken over six semesters

one of the following (2 credits)

one of the following (2 credits)

total credits, students with piano as major instrument 75½

total credits 79½

*May be fulfilled by passing Music Theory Placement Exam.

Credential and Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Education-Music Education Program Emphasis

The Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Education program (offered through the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies) allows the candidate to obtain both the single subject credential and the master’s degree through an integrated program of coursework, fieldwork, and student research. 

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program aims to develop reflective and transformative teachers capable of working collaboratively with children, youth, their families and communities for the sustainable well-being of educational, social and ecological systems. The mission of the Chapman MAT program is to prepare reflective teacher-researchers who use integrated, developmentally appropriate, and critical pedagogies, and are ready to collaborate within diverse educational communities in order to lead us towards a more economically, socially, environmentally and politically just world.

In California, the appropriate credential to teach music at the elementary, middle and secondary level is the Single Subject credential in Music.

See the Teacher Education Programs page for admission requirements, California Commission on Teacher Education requirements for credentialing, graduate degree demonstration of mastery requirement, and graduate degree progression and completion requirements, as well as Teaching: Secondary Education (Music Education Program Emphasis), M.A. for credential and degree requirements.