Mar 12, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Accelerated Bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Emphasis (Single Subject Credential), M.A.

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The Accelerated Bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Program (MACI) is a five-year degree plan. This bachelor and master degree program develops transformative K-12 classroom educators who are knowledgeable in pedagogical theory, technologically savvy and highly skilled in instruction, responding to the multiple challenges and demands of serving all students in today’s schools. It is designed for students who wish to obtain their bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and teaching credential in five years of full-time study.

The MACI program is open only to Chapman undergraduates, as the bachelor and master degrees are earned concurrently. Students apply to the program no later than the second semester of their sophomore year at Chapman and, if accepted, begin coursework in their junior year (year three). Students must complete their bachelor degree requirements by the end of year four; no student will be admitted to year five without having completed the bachelor degree. Advancement to the 5th year of study is dependent on: 1) an academic screening of all MACI coursework and key assignment rubric scores; 2) a dispositional screening; 3) successful passage of the CSET exams; and 4) successful completion of the Certificate of Clearance requirement. During the last year of the program (year five), the student will be enrolled only in master’s level (500-600) courses.

Initial Admission to the Program

Initial admission to the program is competitive and requires a:

  1. Minimum of 30 credits earned at Chapman University at the bachelor level prior to application to the program (sophomore standing).
  2. Major in Integrated Educational Studies (IES) in the Attallah College of Educational Studies or one of the core content areas (science, history, mathematics, English) taught in secondary schools in Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences or Schmid College of Science and Technology and a minor in Secondary Education in the Attallah College of Educational Studies.
  3. Minimum Chapman grade point average of 3.000.
  4. Satisfactory completion (grade of B or better) in IES 102 and 206.
  5. Passing score on the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).

Credentialing requirements

In addition to successful completion of all program courses with a grade of C+ or better, students will be required to pay additional administrative fees and obtain passing scores on all examinations required for the California Teaching Credential in the desired subject area (multiple subjects or single subject as applicable to each student’s program). These examinations, with passing scores, must be on file in the education office by the deadline for application to student teaching. Successful completion of the California Teacher Performance Assessments (CalTPAs) must be verified by the credential analyst after student teaching prior to endorsement for a California credential.

Bachelor’s Degree conferral requirements

Student’s respective bachelor degree (B.A./B.S.) program requirements, valid California Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and passing score on the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET) must be completed prior to the end of year four of the five-year program in order to enter year five credential/master coursework.

Requirements for the Accelerated Bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Program degree

Students pursuing the Accelerated Bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Program are held to the University’s Academic Policies and Procedures . In addition these specific graduate course degree standards apply:

  • Students must complete their bachelor degree requirements by the end of year four.
  • Student will not be admitted to year five without completing the bachelor degree and receiving a passing score on the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET).
  • During the last year of the program (year five), the student will be enrolled only in master’s level (500-600) courses.
  • Minimum grade “C+” or above required in all graduate coursework.
  • Maintain 3.000 GPA in all graduate coursework. 
  • Valid California Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).

In addition, all teacher education candidates, including those in the MACI Program, are expected to follow the Teacher Education Disposition Policy, which can be found in the Program Handbook.

The following courses make up the Accelerated Five-Year Undergraduate/Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Program emphases and the curriculum:

Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Emphasis (Single Subject Credential) degree

Within the Secondary Education minor and the student’s B.A./B.F.A./B.S. degree program and electives, the following courses are required.

requirements (24 credits)

  • IES 102 - Social Construction of Difference (GE GC; GE SI) 3 credits
  • IES 204 - Exploring Theories of Learning 3 credits
  • IES 206 - Schools in Society 3 credits
  • MACI 420 - Secondary Literacy in the Content Areas 3 credits
  • MACI 421 - Secondary Content Area Methods 3 credits
  • MACI 430 - Second Language Acquisition and Academic Development in Multicultural Settings 3 credits
  • MACI 431 - Developing Effective Educational Environments 3 credits
  • MACI 493 - Instructional Design and Educational Assessment 3 credits

one of the following (3 credits)

  • IES 448 - Instructional Technology: Science and Mathematics 3 credits
  • IES 449 - Educating with Multiple Technologies 3 credits
  • IES 451 - Educational Application of Technology 3 credits

one of the following (3 credits)

  • MACI 311 - Teaching and Learning Math Concepts, Skills and Critical Thinking 3 credits
  • MACI 312 - Contextual Teaching and Learning of Science 3 credits
  • MACI 313 - Teaching History/Social Studies for Diverse Learners 3 credits
  • IES 340 - Children’s Literature and Literacy 3 credits

one of the following (3 credits)

  • IES 310 - LGBTQ Issues in Education 3 credits
  • IES 326 - Education Viewed through Feature Film and Television 3 credits
  • IES 412 - Teaching Writing K-12 3 credits

total credits 33

Within the M.A. Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Emphasis, the following courses are required.


total credits 30

Addendum for students beginning their 5th year of study after May 2021

This addendum is for students beginning their 5th year of study after May 2021.

Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Concentration (Single Subject Credential and Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Credential) degree

Within the Secondary Education minor and the student’s B.A./B.F.A./B.S. degree program and electives, the following courses are required.

requirements (33-35 credits)

  • IES 102 Social Construction of Difference (GE GC; GE SI) 3 credits
  • IES 204 Exploring Theories of Learning 3 credits
  • IES 206 Schools in Society 3 credits
  • IES 412 Teaching Writing K-12 3 credits
  • MACI 420 Teaching Writing K-12 Secondary Literacy in the Content Areas 3 credits
  • MACI 431 Developing Effective Educational Environments 3 credits
  • IES 451 Educational Applications of Technology 3 credits
  • MACI 464 English Language Acquisition and Issues of Diversity 3 credits
  • EDUC 471 Inclusion in the Public Schools 3 credits
  • MACI 493 Instructional Design and Educational Assessment 3 credits

one of the following (3-5 credits)

  • MACI 311 Teaching and Learning Math Concepts, Skills and Critical Thinking 5 credits
  • MACI 312 Contextual Teaching and Learning of Science 3 credits
  • MACI 313 Teaching History/Social Studies for Diverse Learners 3 credits
  • IES 340 Literature and Literacy: Children and Adolescents 3 credits

total credits 33-35

Within the M.A. Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Concentration, the following courses are required.

total credits 30

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