Mar 02, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

LAW 7558 - International Law & Organizations

This introductory course in international law, surveys the sources of international law and some contemporary global issues and challenges. The course introduces concepts of international law and how they achieve legitimacy through United Nations organizations and conferences, the International Court of Justice, the International Law Commission, treaty bodies, and state practice, as well as through other actors. The law of foreign sovereign immunity and the act of state doctrine are considered along with the role of international law in the U.S. legal system and the allocation of foreign affairs powers between the President and Congress. Selected topics that may be explored include international claims (including expropriation law), human rights, norms governing the use of force, and the law of the sea and environmental issues.  This course counts for the International Law Emphasis Requirement and the required Public International Law Class for the Emphasis. Letter grade. 3 credits