Nov 23, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENTR 415 - Entrepreneurial Failure

Prerequisites for entrepreneurship minor, ENTR 310 , ENTR 315 , entrepreneurship minor. Prerequisites for entrepreneurship emphasis in business administration, ENTR 310 , ENTR 335 ENTR 400 , entrepreneurship emphasis. Most courses do not teach the process of failing forward. This is an important issue since most entrepreneurial startups fail. Whether it is team sports, martial arts, or trading in the stock market, most approaches begin with one’s ability to defend oneself before going on the offensive. This course will allow students to have a greater understanding on why and how startups fail; what entrepreneurs can do to avoid failure; and if they do fail, how founders can exit companies amicably with various stakeholders and leverage previous relationships to relaunch and reinvent their careers. The end goal of the course is to help students attain a full perspective on entrepreneurship and help overcome the fear of starting a new business on their own. Letter grade. (Offered every year.) 3 credits