Mar 28, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

Key Elements

Chapman University, founded in 1861, is an independent, comprehensive mid-sized private institution dedicated to providing a solid foundation of knowledge that enables its graduates to become fully educated persons. The University comprises the George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics; Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies; Lawrence and Kristina Dodge College of Film and Media Arts; Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; Dale E. And Sarah Ann Fowler School of Engineering; Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Dale E. Fowler School of Law; School of Communication; College of Performing Arts; School of Pharmacy and Schmid College of Science and Technology.

Chapman is recognized for its blend of professional programs, sciences and liberal arts, as well as its distinguished faculty, innovative programs and personalized attention to students. The University strives to develop in students the ability to think clearly, communicate effectively, explore issues from contrasting points of view, value human and cultural diversity and make informed ethical judgments in an increasingly complex world.


Chapman University traces its roots back more than a century and a half to Hesperian College, which opened on the same day that Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the sixteenth U.S. president in 1861. Hesperian and several other institutions later merged with California Christian College in Los Angeles. In 1934, the institution was renamed in recognition of its most generous benefactor, C.C. Chapman, successful real estate investor, church leader, politician and citrus grower. Chapman College moved to the city of Orange in 1954. In September of 1991, the college became Chapman University, further strengthening its commitment to international education and an innovative undergraduate curriculum and graduate programs.

Academic Programs

The University offers more than 40 fields of undergraduate study as well as graduate degree programs and credential programs for educators.

More information about Chapman’s dual degree and other graduate programs can be found in the Graduate Catalog available from the Office of Admission, Argyros Forum, Room 304, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866 (714) 997-6786.

Chapman’s undergraduate programs are founded in the liberal arts. The University offers B.A., B.S., B.F.A. and B.M. degrees. As defined in the general education program, the University is dedicated to offering a distinctive education that encourages students to see and appreciate the linkages between their majors and the general education program. See index listing for undergraduate programs.

Chapman offers several programs that link together undergraduate and graduate programs to allow a student to complete both undergraduate and graduate programs in a shorter period of time than completing each degree separately. For more information on these programs see the index for Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Programs.

Information about courses through Brandman University is available in the Brandman University catalog available from the Office of Admission, 16355 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 746-0082.

General Education

The General Education program reflects the University’s mission to provide its students with a personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical and productive lives as global citizens. The program is thus flexible, but enables all students to develop ability in critical inquiry, gain breadth and depth of knowledge, integrate knowledge within and across disciplines, cultivate ethical awareness in learning and practice, engage in experiential learning as thoughtful, principled citizens and become independent thinkers able to sustain a lifelong desire for intellectual growth.

Students may share up to nine credits between General Education and their major discipline and six credits between General Education and their minor discipline. Courses may not double-count in General Education categories; students may use a course to satisfy one inquiry or exploration category only.

For further information on the Chapman University General Education Program see “General Education Program ” in the Undergraduate Degree Requirements section of the catalog.

Chapman General Education Courses

For a current list of courses in each General Education category, visit

Academic and Research Centers

A wide variety of study and research opportunities are available through Chapman’s academic and research centers. These include:

  • A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research
  • Albert Schweitzer Center
  • Barry and Phyllis Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education
  • C. Larry Hoag Center for Real Estate and Finance
  • Center for American War Letters
  • Center for Demographics and Public Policy
  • Center for Global Trade and Development
  • Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling and Observations
  • Center for Targeted Drug Delivery
  • Chapman Institute for Quantum Studies
  • Economic Science Institute
  • Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavior Sciences
  • Institute for the Study of Religion, Economics and Society
  • John Fowles Center for Creative Writing
  • Military and Veterans’ Law Institute
  • Ralph W. Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics
  • Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy
  • Thompson Policy Institute on Disability and Autism
  • Walter Schmid Center for International Business

Students may work with faculty on specific research projects as well as participate in special programs including guest lectures, film screenings, panels and seminars.

University Honors Program

The Chapman University Honors program is a broad interdisciplinary course of study based on great books and events from cultures around the world. Students and faculty concentrate on mutually critical exchanges between the classics of human cultures and the contemporary world. The goal of these dialogical exchanges is collaborative and intentional learning in which students and faculty together connect enduring and emerging ideas, drawing on shared texts, lectures, seminar discussions and cultural experiences.

Students in this university-wide program are required to complete a minimum of 24 credits. They select from a variety of courses in three main categories (human sciences, natural sciences and social sciences). During their first year in the program, honors students enroll in the three credit course, Honors Forum, and complete the Honors program with the three credit course, Honors Capstone.

Completion of the program satisfies the GE Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Exploration Focus); select courses may also satisfy major, minor, other GE and/or elective requirements.

Applicants typically have first-rate GPAs and highly competitive SAT and ACT scores. Other criteria may include outstanding leadership and/or creative achievement, community involvement and a range of interests and experiences. The program best serves students who approach their education in a mature and responsible manner.

Acceptance to the program is limited. Students must submit a separate application for admission to the Honors program, in addition to applying for admission to the University. Students already at Chapman may also apply for admission, prior to accumulating 60 credits. Transfer students who come to Chapman after completing 60 credits and are accepted into the program are required to complete 15 credits, including the three credit course, Honors Forum, at least one course from each of the three main categories and complete the Honors program with the three credit course, Honors Capstone. Applications are available online at


The more than 522 full-time (517 instructional, 5 research) and 595 part-time faculty represent an outstanding range of intellectual interests, research endeavors and creative activities. They include noted researchers in the sciences and social sciences, gifted artists, prolific writers, talented film makers and widely published and recognized scholars.

As a community, the faculty is comprised of people who connect active scholarship and creative activity with teaching and learning as a bridge between research and practice. Their research and creative work informs both their teaching and their lives in ways that enable students to see the value of a commitment to lifelong learning. Some 86 percent hold terminal degrees and 47 percent are tenured. Full-time faculty teach two to three courses a term.

Student Body

The 2018-2019 student body population was 9,608, 7,026 of whom were degree -seeking undergraduate students. Over 90% of first year undergraduate students live in university housing, and 39% of all undergraduate students live in university housing.

Chapman welcomes students from around the country and the world. Chapman undergraduate students represent 47 states in the U.S. and 59 countries. The international undergraduate student population is about 4%. First Generation students are 20% of the undergraduate student body.

Enrollment has steadily grown since the early 1990s. The average SAT score of new freshmen has increased every year during that period. Chapman upholds its tradition of providing personalized education to students by maintaining a faculty to student ratio of 1:14.

Student Life

Student life at Chapman is educationally stimulating and diverse. Students come from varied economic, social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Yet because of Chapman’s size, opportunities for involvement are extended to all students through an active student government, academic and social fraternities and sororities, religious organizations, intercollegiate and intramural athletics, student publications, numerous social and cultural events and student productions in drama, music, film and dance.


Chapman’s long and distinguished heritage in intercollegiate sports includes six NCAA national championships in baseball, tennis and softball. Students participate in NCAA Division III athletics, a non-scholarship division. Men’s sports include baseball, basketball, cross country, crew (club sport), football, golf, ice hockey (club sport), lacrosse (club sport), soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field and water polo. Women’s sports include basketball, cross country, crew (club sport), golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball and water polo. Approximately 20 percent of Chapman’s student body participates in intercollegiate athletics, club sports or intramurals. Chapman University is a member of the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

Student athletes as well as all students and members of the Chapman community who wish to keep physically fit have access to the facilities in the award-winning and uniquely designed Erin J. Lastinger Athletics Complex (which opened in August 2008). The facility includes the fully rebuilt 1,923-seat Ernie Chapman Stadium and Holly and David Wilson Field, constructed atop a 900 capacity underground parking facility. The Allred Aquatics Center and Olympic Pool features the 600-seat Frank E. and Mary Ann O’Bryan Aquatics Stadium and houses Chapman’s aquatics programs. The Lastinger Complex earned the “Facility of Merit” award at the Athletic Business Conference in 2010. The Harold Hutton Sports Center is home to Chapman’s indoor sports and seats 2,400 for basketball and volleyball competitions. Hutton also houses the Julianne Argyros Fitness Center open to the Chapman community. And in 2017, the Erin J. Lastinger ‘88 Tennis Complex opened its doors, featuring seven championship courts for intercollegiate and recreational use. For more information and hours of operation, please visit

Career and Professional Development

Chapman University is every Panther’s career connection for life. The University is committed to providing all Panthers with the tools, resources and networking opportunities to help them find success and fulfillment in their professional endeavors.

All students and alumni from every school and college at Chapman University have access to comprehensive personalized career support including university-wide career services with Career and professional Development and program-specific support with college career advisors or satellite career centers.

Learn more about career services at Chapman University at www.

Career and Professional Development - Services

The Office of Career and Professional Development provides Chapman students and alumni full-service career support. Services include personalized career coaching appointments, career workshops, fairs, and programs. Topics range from resumes to cover letters, job search, career exploration, interviewing, skill development, networking and more.

View resources, search for jobs and internships, register for events and schedule career appointments by logging into Chapman’s Career Portal, Handshake, at


Internship courses give students the opportunity to earn academic credit while gaining practical work experience, an increased understanding of and exposure to a given career field, opportunities to transform classroom knowledge into “real-world” application, technical skills and more. By successfully completing internships, students become increasingly competitive candidates in the job market.

Internship Policies

  • Chapman University allows students to receive academic credit for both paid and unpaid internships.
  • Internship courses follow the same tuition and credit policies outlined in the Tution  and Interterm  policies (See the Expenses, Financial Information and General Polices sections of the catalog).
  • Internship registration deadlines are posted annually on the Academic Calendar . If a student misses the deadlines to register their internship, they may petition to late-add the course.
  • Virtual/ remote internships are generally not allowed. All remote internships must be approved by the Internship Coordinator prior to applying for academic credit.
  • A maximum of 12 credits of internship may count toward the baccalaureate degree. See Limitation of Credit  in the Undergraduate Degree Requirements section of the catalog.
  • A maximum of 6 credits of internship courses may be completed at the same internship site.
  • No internship nor practicum credit is accepted in transfer. See General Transfer Credit Policy  in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the catalog.
  • No retroactive internship credit may be awarded for hours worked without timely registration in an internship course.
  • Hours may only count for credit during the academic term in which a student is registered.

Internship Registration

  • Domestic internships within the U.S. are registered through Career and Professional Development at
  • International internships outside of the U.S. are registered through the Center for Global Education at
  • Students that need immediate credit on their records for financial aid purposes or for full-time student status can enroll in an Internship Placeholder Course until official course registration is processed by contacting Career and Professional Development. Students must complete the Internship Placeholder Form when enrolling for an Internship Placeholder Course.

Internship Credits and Hours

  • Credit per internship ranges by department from .5 to 6 credits. Students must complete 20 hours for each .5 credit registered.
  credits total hours
  0.5 20
  1.0 40
  1.5 60
  2.0 80
  2.5 100
  3.0 120
  3.5 140
  4.0 160
  4.5 180
  5.0 200
  5.5 220
  6.0 240

Internship Grades

  • Independent internships are graded by the student’s Faculty Internship Advisor on a Pass/No Pass  basis. Seminar internships may be subject to letter grade.
  • If an internship for a seminar course is not secured by the 5th week of the term per the academic calendar, the student is expected to withdraw from the course, resulting in an automatic W notation on their transcript.

Career Relations

Our Career relations team works diligently throughout the year to develop a world class global network of alumni and employers to assist our student in achieving long term professional success. The goal of our Chapman Network is to ensure our students find jobs and internships across various industries. Throughout the year, recruiting representatives from businesses with local, national and international reach visit our campus to meet with our students. Recruiting tables, mock interviews and resume reviews are just a few of the ways the network connects with our students to help them succeed.

Chapman Connect

Chapman Connect is a personal and career development tool designed specifically for our students and alumni. Formerly Panther Connect, this new platform is streamlined, intuitive, and customizable to meet your unique needs. Chapman Connect provides you with exclusive access to job and internship postings, career and networking events, and resources. You can manage contacts, schedule career coaching appointments, practice interviewing skills, and track your path to success right from your phone. The Career Development Center is proud to unveil this new and powerful career resource. Chapman Connect has an exciting fresh look, more powerful tools, and more ways for you to connect with employers, alumni, and staff. The power behind our new system is a cutting edge career network powered by Handshake that is used by many universities and employers, including the Fortune 500, throughout the country.


The Chapman University alumni network encompasses more than 50,000 undergraduate and graduate alumni across the globe. Chapman is committed to keeping alumni connected to their alma mater and supporting their personal and professional endeavors through programs, benefits and services. All graduates automatically become lifelong members of the Chapman University Alumni Association. Through the Alumni Association, Chapman graduates have access to career resources and networking opportunities, exclusive activities and events, young alumni programs, library access and many other resources and discounts. Alumni also have opportunities throughout the year to connect with current students though mentoring, volunteering, sharing career advice, serving on advisory boards or speaking panels, offering internship/employment opportunities and participating in campus traditions such as the Chapman Family Homecoming Celebration, Greek Skit and more. Chapman University alumni and all members of the Chapman Family are encouraged to “Think Chapman First” and stay connected with passion and pride.

Prominent Chapman alumni include Matt and Ross Duffer ‘07, creators of the Netflix original series “Stranger Things”; Justin Simien ‘05, director/writer of the film and Netflix original series “Dear White People”; George L. Argyros’ 59, former U.S. Ambassador to Spain and philanthropist; the Honorable Loretta Sanchez ‘82, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1997-2017; Joanna Rosholm ‘07, press secretary to former First Lady Michelle Obama; Steve Levin ‘88, television sports analyst and former UCLA basketball coach; and Tim Kashani ‘08, Tony Award winning producer of “Memphis”.

To learn more about the Alumni Association and explore opportunities to connect with Chapman’s alumni network, find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram or visit us online at

Church Relationship

Chapman’s roots are firmly grounded in its historic covenant with our founders, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). That rich spiritual legacy lives on through Chapman’s focus on the development of the ethical, spiritual and intellectual person. A variety of religious studies courses and spiritual programming activities are offered, but not required. The dean of the chapel oversees an active interfaith program designed to meet the spiritual needs of the University’s students, faculty and staff. A full-time director of church relations strengthens the University’s covenant with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as well as provides programs for the broader community. As of 2010, Chapman University is also recognized by the United Church of Christ as a church-related school. Honoring this connection, there is a special student ministry and scholarship program for students from Disciples and United Church of Christ backgrounds. Both the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ respect the many paths to God and strongly support Chapman’s nurturing of students, faculty and staff of all faith backgrounds, as well as those who are atheist or agnostic. (For more information about the Disciples and United Church of Christ program, go to

Chapman University embraces four pillars of education: intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual. The dean of the chapel supports a host of religious and spiritual groups including progressive and evangelical Protestants, Roman Catholics, Latter-day Saints, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Baha’is, Shikhs, Wiccans and those exploring meditation, health and healing and intersections between religion and other intellectual disciplines. New groups may be formed to support the interests and needs of the current student body. Major religious conferences and speakers are hosted each year. (For more information, visit

In addition to the chaplaincy services of the director and associate director of church relations and the dean of the chapel, there is also a director of Jewish life and a director of Muslim life who serve their unique populations in addition to the entire campus.

The beautiful Fish Interfaith Center houses the Wallace All Faiths Chapel, Wilkinson Founders Chapel, Yoder Sanctuary, Peterson Conference Room, The Fashionables Courtyard, Dee’s Garden of the Senses, a lounge, administrative offices and a columbarium. A team of internationally known architects and artists cooperated in the design of this inspirational and award-winning sacred space, which opened in 2004.


Chapman’s academic year is on a 4-1-4 calendar.

Fall classes begin in late August and end just prior to Christmas.

An interterm session is held in January, offering special opportunities for students to participate in travel courses or take experimental courses. The course offerings in interterm are optional for students, and are limited. Students should not rely on interterm classes to fulfill their requirements.

The spring term begins at the end of January and ends in May. Four summer sessions are scheduled from the end of May through mid-August. Classes are offered during the day and evenings. A special emphasis is made to meet the requirements of public school credentials.

A detailed academic calendar can be found under the Academic Calendar  section of the catalog.

Library Services

The Leatherby Libraries opened in the fall term, 2004. The five-story facility serves as an intellectual and cultural heart of the campus and is designed to meet the information needs of Chapman’s students, faculty and staff.

Our innovative library combines the latest information technology with the personalized attention that is the hallmark of a Chapman education. It includes nine individually named libraries with distinctive collections representing disciplinary areas of the University: arts and humanities, social sciences, science and technology, education, music, film and television and business and economics. In addition, two special libraries are located on floor four and are named the Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives and the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library.

The facility features 14 group study rooms, six multi-media preview rooms, one multi-station music listening area, 95 computers for user access, wireless Internet access available throughout the building, five computer classrooms, a dedicated library instruction room, an extended-hour study commons and more than 775 seats at tables, carrels and lounge chairs.

The Leatherby Libraries’ collection contains approximately 392,000 titles including DVDs, videos, CDs and other media, 170 print journal titles, access to 71,000 plus full text electronic journals, 290 online databases and 17,000 electronic books, supporting the research and curricular needs of the campus community.

Interlibrary loan services are available to support the research needs of students and faculty by obtaining books and articles not held at Leatherby Libraries. Requests for materials from other libraries are easily submitted through Tipasa, an online system that allows individuals to set up personalized accounts, submit their own requests and track outstanding requests.

The library instruction program is an important part of graduate and undergraduate programs, ensuring that students are connected to the information resources they need to succeed in their courses and become life-long learners.

Additionally, the library offers a range of lectures, exhibitions, permanent art and curriculum-related displays throughout the year.

Online and Hybrid Courses

A limited variety of online and hybrid courses is available. Using Blackboard, Chapman students and faculty have access to both online courses and on-campus courses that utilize this electronic tool, which enables document sharing, electronic discussion, Internet research and the use of other teaching and learning tools. Blackboard offers a variety of online services, including announcements, community discussion and personal services such as a calendar, e-mail, task lists, online grades and others, depending on the activities and Blackboard classes in which a student is enrolled.

Arts and Culture on Campus

Chapman University’s beautiful 1,044 seat Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco Center for the Arts, which opened in 2016 with a gala starring Placido Domingo, provides a stunning, state-of-the-art venue for top touring artists and ensembles as well as performances by Chapman student ensembles.

Chapman’s Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music and Departments of Theatre and Dance offer student and faculty performances year-round. Chapman’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts offers many screenings of popular movies, documentaries and international films, as well as presenting student and professional film festivals.

Chapman’s critically acclaimed Hilbert Museum of California Art displays an array of paintings by some of California’s leading artists, including Millard Sheets, Mary Blair, Emil Kosa Jr. and Milford Zornes, in ever-changing exhibitions. The Escalette Permanent College of Art, with paintings, prints, photographs and sculptures by many of the world’s leading contemporary artists, is located in classroom buildings and public areas throughout the campus. The Guggenheim Art Gallery sponsors regular exhibitions by locally, nationally and internationally known artists as well as student shows.

Chapman University offers a wide range of lectures throughout the year by faculty members, visiting experts and thought leaders from all over the world. Past speakers have included Maya Angelou, Antonin Scalia, Ralph Nader, Edward James Olmos, Cornel West and Howard Zin. The late Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel, a Distinguished Presidential Fellow, visited Chapman for four years, for one week each year, to meet with student and present talks for the campus community and the public. Chapman’s Holocaust Lecture Series, an annual event presented by the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education, draws top experts from around the world. The John Fowles Literary Series offers readings and signings by top international novelists and poets, including such luminaries as Sir Salman Rushdie and, in 2017, Novel laureate Federico Garcia Llorca.

Center for Global Education

Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to participate in a semester or academic year abroad. There are courses and programs to choose in all majors in almost every part of the world. Studying overseas provides a unique opportunity for fresh perspectives on international political, economic and social issues, interpersonal relationships and ultimate career choices. All regularly enrolled Chapman students with a minimum 3.000 GPA and at least a sophomore standing are eligible to participate. Many programs offered require no previous foreign language study. Students studying abroad through Chapman-approved programs are enrolled in a full course of study at the host institution and receive Chapman credit. Students are often pleasantly surprised to learn that the cost for studying abroad is comparable to the current cost of studying at Chapman. Most financial aid can apply depending on the program selected. The semester and academic year programs directly support Chapman’s emphasis on encouraging students to recognize and develop their roles as global citizens in an increasingly interdependent world. When enrolled full-time, students who complete a semester or more abroad automatically satisfy the Global Study portion of the General Education program. Courses taken abroad can satisfy major, minor or applicable general education area requirements.

Exchange Programs

University wide and major-specific exchange programs bring international students to Chapman and allow Chapman students to fully integrate in a foreign university for a semester or academic year. Many universities have courses taught in English. There are opportunities for students to immerse themselves in language and culture programs. All regularly enrolled Chapman students with a minimum 3.000 GPA are eligible to apply. Typically, a student must have a junior standing to participate. Students studying abroad through Chapman-approved programs are enrolled in a full course of study at the host institution and receive Chapman credit.

Contact the Center for Global Education for more information or visit their website at

Travel Courses

Chapman faculty representing a wide range of academic departments lead domestic and international Travel Courses during the January interterm or summer session(s) for one to four weeks. All students are encouraged to participate in these courses in order to gain a broader perspective of other cultures. Participation in any Travel Course is authorized by the faculty group leader. Credit is awarded for the academic work involved in each program and may apply towards the Global Study portion of the general education requirements. Students may be eligible for a tuition waiver for their participation in a travel program.

Contact the Center for Global Education for more information or visit their website at

International Internships

International Internships promote a rich cultural immersion and advance students practical work experience, communication skills, leadership and teamwork. Internships help students prepare for a diverse and developing global industry. All programs are open to juniors and seniors in any major with a 3.000 or higher GPA. Students intern eight weeks and earn three credits, which can count towards the Global Study portion of the general education requirements. Students may be eligible for a tuition waiver for their participation in a Chapman Summer International Internship.

Contact the Center for Global Education for more information or visit their website at

Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center guides and supports all undergraduate students in the development and achievement of their academic goals. The center provides advising services and resources for all incoming and continuing students and is specifically responsible for advising undeclared students and students on academic probation or subject to dismissal. Professional academic advisors offer general academic advising regarding degree requirements, University academic policies, the General Education program and overall academic planning, as well as language and mathematics placement testing services. Scheduled appointments and drop-in sessions are available, along with specific advising workshops and online advising when applicable. Further information on the Academic Advising Center and its services can be found on its website:

Tutoring, Learning and Testing Center

The Tutoring, Learning and Testing Center (TLT) provides a variety of services to enhance learning and promote personal responsibility for student success and improve academic achievement. The Tutoring, Learning and Testing Center offers a variety of group supplemental instruction sessions conducted by outstanding peer leaders in courses students historically find most challenging. The Tutoring, Learning and Testing Center services also provides walk-in tutoring for many subjects. The courses and times when walk-in tutoring is available can be found on the TLT website

The Tutoring, Learning and Testing Center assists student Disability Services in proctoring examinations for students with prior approval for accommodated testing.


The beautiful, tree lined 90-acre Chapman University campus in Orange, California is 35 miles southeast of Los Angeles, right in the heart of the exciting cultural and natural attraction attractions of Orange County, which has been rated “the number one place to live in North America” by Places Rated Almanac. World renowned ocean beaches are less than 10 miles away, mountains and deserts are within an hour’s drive and San Diego and Mexico are just 90 miles south. Just minutes from the University are acclaimed recreation and entertainment venues, including Disneyland, Segerstrom Center for the Arts, the Anaheim Convention Center, Bowers Museum of Cultural Art, Knott’s Berry Farm, Angel Stadium and the Honda Center. The major attractions of Los Angeles, including the Getty Center, Walt Disney Concert Hall, L.A. County Museum of Art, the Hollywood Bowl and much more are within an hour to 90 minute drive.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)

AFROTC is a nationwide program that allows students to pursue commissions (become officers) in the United States Air Force (USAF) while simultaneously attending college. AFROTC classes are held on college campuses throughout the United States and Puerto Rico; students can register through normal course registration processes. AFROTC consists of four years of Aerospace Studies classes (Foundations of the USAF, Evolution of USAF and Space Power, Air Force Leadership Studies, and National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty), and a corresponding Leadership Laboratory for each year (where students apply leadership skills, demonstrate command and effective communication, develop physical fitness, and practice military customs and courtesies). College students enrolled in the AFROTC program (known as “cadets”) who successfully complete both AFROTC training and college degree requirements will graduate and simultaneously commission as Second Lieutenants in the Active Duty Air Force. The AFROTC program is currently offered at California State University, San Bernardino, but they have a crosstown agreement that allows our students to enroll in AFROTC and become full-fledged cadet participants. For more information on AFROTC course descriptions, please review For more information on the AFROTC program, please review for general information and for more detailed course information.

Through arrangements with California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), Loyola Marymount University (LMU) in west Los Angeles and the University of Southern California (USC), students may participate in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Program. Aerospace studies classes and leadership laboratories are conducted at various times during the week on the main campuses of CSUSB, LMU and USC.

AFROTC offers a variety of two, three and four year scholarships, many of which pay the full cost of tuition, books and fees. Successful completion of as little as six (three years) semesters of AFROTC academic classes and leadership laboratories can lead to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.

Classes consist of one hour of academics and two hours of laboratory for first-year students and sophomores and three hours of academics and two hours of laboratory for juniors and seniors. All cadets must participate in two one-hour sessions of physical training. All curriculum is taught on Fridays. AFROTC cadets under scholarship and all juniors and seniors receive a monthly tax-free stipend and a textbook allowance. No military commitment is incurred until entering the last two years of the program (Professional Officer Course) or accepting an AFROTC scholarship.

For more information, contact the Department of Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) at one of the following universities: Cal State San Bernardino at (909) 537-5440,,; Loyola Marymount University at (310) 338-2770,,; University of Southern California at (213) 740-2670,, or visit for more information.


Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (AROTC) is also available to interested Orange campus Chapman students through arrangements with Cal Poly Pomona and the Claremont Colleges. Successful completion of the AROTC program leads to a commission as a second lieutenant in either the Army, the National Guard or the Army Reserve. For additional information, contact the Claremont Colleges at (909) 607-7752,, or visit

The California State University, Fullerton Army ROTC is a program designed to train and develop college students to become motivated U.S. Army leaders. ROTC provides students with the opportunity to gain a college degree while at the same time training to enter the army as a commissioned officer. Cal State Fullerton ROTC offers two, three and four year scholarships for qualified students to help provide financial assistance at Chapman University. For more information about eligibility requirements, scholarship opportunities and the overall program, please contact the enrollment advisor, Mr. Steven Yach, United States Army at Cal State Fullerton ROTC at (657) 278-3527 or email at or visit

Admission and Expenses


Tuition at Chapman is $54,540 per year. Room and board are approximately $15,520 per year. Books, supplies and student fees average $1,600 per year.

Financial Aid

Chapman is committed to providing financial assistance to qualified students. More than 84 percent of our students receive some form of financial assistance. Additional information can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office or on the Chapman University website.


To create a diverse student body, Chapman seeks and admits high achieving students of varying geographic, social and ethnic backgrounds. Admission applications should be submitted as early as possible. For more details see Undergraduate Admission .

Non-Discrimination Policy

Chapman University is committed to providing an environment which is free of any form of harassment and discrimination based upon an individual’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status or any other classification protected by law, so that all members of the community are treated at all times with dignity and respect. It is the University’s policy, therefore, to prohibit all forms of such harassment or discrimination among University faculty, students, staff and administration.

Disability Services

Chapman University is committed to making its educational opportunities accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. By providing access to qualified students with disabilities, the University demonstrates its belief that the community will benefit from their skills and talents. In this regard, Chapman University has implemented the following policies:

  • Chapman University strictly prohibits any form of discrimination on the basis of an individual’s disability.
  • Chapman University offers reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified individuals.

The director of Disability Services administers these policies. Summaries and references to these policies are provided in the University’s application and admissions materials and its student handbook. Individuals can also obtain information about these policies, services, documentation requirements, etc. from Disability Services at (714) 516-4520.

Disability Services serves as the clearing house for all requested accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student requesting accommodations to make these needs known in a timely fashion and to provide proper documentation and medical evaluations as required ( It is recommended that the student provide these materials prior to the beginning of the academic year or term so that the University may better serve the student’s needs and the student may avoid any irreversible academic consequences. Once notification has been made the University will engage in an interactive process in order to identify our obligation to provide reasonable accommodations. Services provided will be based on the individual needs of the student and may include extended test time, notetakers, etc. The granting of any accommodation will not be retroactive and cannot jeopardize the academic standards or integrity of the course.

Endowed Chairs

Student and faculty research and programmatic opportunities are supported by the following endowments:

  • A. Gary Anderson Chair in Economic Analysis
  • George L. Argyros Endowed Chair in Finance and Economics
  • Bertea Family Chair in Music
  • Donley and Marjorie Bolinger Chair in Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Law
  • Donald Bren Presidential Chair in Mathematics
  • George H.W. Bush Chair in International Business
  • Irvin C. and Edy Chapman Dean of the Wallace All Faiths Chapel Chair
  • Hugh and Hazel Darling Law Librarian Chair
  • Delp-Wilkinson Chair in Peace Studies
  • James L. and Lynne Pierson Doti Chair in Economics
  • Rebecca and William Dunn Distinguished Chair in Honor of Vernon L. Smith, Ph.D.
  • Dr. Royal J. and Dr. Eva N. Dye Chair of Religion and Missions
  • William P. Foley, II Chair in Corporate Law and Taxation
  • Paul Frizler Chair in Communication Studies
  • Jacqueline M. Glass Chair in Theatre and Music
  • Jerrold A. Glass Chair in Accounting and Economics
  • Griset Chair in Bible and Christian Traditions
  • Warren D. Hancock Chair in Natural Sciences
  • Jack H. and Paula Hassinger Chair in Education
  • Doy and Dee Henley Chair and Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence
  • C. Larry Hoag Chair in Real Estate
  • R. C. Hoiles Chair in Business Ethics and Free Enterprise
  • Donna and David Janes Chair in Experimental Economics
  • Fletcher Jones Chair in International Business and Economics
  • Donald P. Kennedy Endowed Chair in Economics and Law
  • Donald P. Kennedy Chair in Law and Dean of the Law School
  • Kloppenburg-Stead Chair in Servant Leadership
  • Marion Knott Filmmaker-in-Residence Endowed Chair
  • Ralph W. Leatherby Chair in Entrepreneurship
  • Robert and Norma Lineberger Endowed Chair in Music
  • Twyla Reed Martin Dean’s Chair in Film and Media Arts
  • Sebastian Paul and Marybelle Musco Endowed Chair in Italian Studies
  • Ronald E. Soderling Chair in Economics and Real Estate Development
  • Ralph and Sue Stern Chair in Holocaust Education
  • Robert J. and Carolyn Waltos, Jr. Chair in the Argyros School of Business and Economics
  • Donald S. and Leonora N. Will Endowed Chair in Peace Studies

Endowed Professorships

Student and faculty research and programmatic opportunities are supported by the following endowments:

  • Donna Ford Attallah Endowed Professorship in Education
  • Irving and Nancy Chase Endowed Professorship in Holocaust and Jewish History
  • Jim Farley Professorship in Natural Philosophy
  • William Hall Visiting Professorship in Music
  • Gavin Herbert Endowed Professor of Pharmacy
  • Roger C. Hobbs Endowed Professorship in Urban Studies
  • Fletcher Jones Foundation Professorship in Computational Physics
  • Parker S. Kennedy Professorship in Law
  • John Koshak Visiting Professorship in Music
  • Lincoln Club Professorship
  • Hazel Peck Marshall and Dr. Sam Lewis Campbell Professorship in Behavioral Sciences
  • Martha Masters ‘37 Professorship in Art
  • Foster G. and Mary McGaw Professorship in Behavioral Sciences
  • Foster G. and Mary McGaw Professorship in Mathematical Sciences
  • Larry Parlett Professorship in Economics in Memory of Alan Thompson
  • Ronald D. Rotunda Distinguished Professor in Jurisprudence
  • Henry Salvatori Professorship of American Values and Traditions
  • Henry Salvatori Professorship in Law and Community Service
  • David and Sandra Stone Professorship in Economics
  • Henri Temianka Endowed Professorship in Music
  • Warren and Doris Uehlinger Endowed Professorship in Business Management
  • Hua-Cheng Wang-Fradkin Professorship in Scholarly Excellence
  • Leon and Sophie Weinstein Professorship in Holocaust History
  • Betty L. Hutton Williams Endowed Professorship in International Economic Law
  • Frank L. Williams, Jr. Endowed Professorship in Criminal Law